Friday, March 9, 2012

Chapter 7 - Allegro

On week 7, i pretty much spent the entire week refining and polishing my ballet shot. By the end of week 6, i splined my shot (as i mentioned on my last entry). One thing that I notice was, I actually did not do a lot of tweaking compare to what i've done on my previous assignments. I was very surprised by this because I usually did major tweaks on my shot.. and I, like everybody else, is of course very terrified of Spline. So this is kind of new for me! and I find this shot is very special, i really learn a lot from this one. Here are the playblasts:


The part that i have not achieved in this shot is that graceful feeling and the overlap on the body parts. I did not see this when I refined and polished my shot, but now as i look at it, the movement feels very sharp. I have to continue polishing, or maybe i should say revise the shot to make it better and better! :) It is always good to go back and see your past assignments :)


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