Demo Reel

Carlina Prawirawidjaja - Demo Reel March 2013
*Note: Due to confidentiality, the most recent Demo Reel is only available upon request. I apologize for the trouble and thank you very much for understanding.

Demo Reel Breakdown List

Shot #1 Fireman
Responsible for all animation.
Technique: Hand-keyed animation
Software: Autodesk Maya 2013, Adobe After Effects
Props and Rigs: Animation Mentor

Shot #2 Vandalism
Responsible for all animation.
Technique: Hand-keyed animation
SoftwareAutodesk Maya 2013, Adobe After Effects
Props and Rigs: Animation Mentor

Shot #3 Trained Killer
Responsible for all animation.
Technique: Hand-keyed animation
SoftwareAutodesk Maya 2013, Adobe After Effects
Props and Rigs: Animation Mentor

Shot #4 Push
Responsible for all animation.
Technique: Hand-keyed animation
Software: Autodesk Maya 2013, Adobe After Effects
Props and Rigs:, Animation Mentor

Shot #5 Ballet
Responsible for all animation.
Technique: Hand-keyed animation
SoftwareAutodesk Maya 2013, Adobe After Effects
Props and Rigs:, Animation Mentor

Shot #6 Faith
Responsible for all animation.
Technique: Hand-keyed animation
Software: Autodesk Maya 2013, Adobe After Effects
Props and Rigs: Animation Mentor


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