So this week we have new assignments which are sketching a pose about excitement and apply that on Stu, and the other one is to animate a ball. I am going to start with the sketch first.
So today i went to the cinema to see Harry Potter TDH Part 2, which was super awesome :). I was hoping to see some actions in the cinema. Sadly, the plan did not go that well..Some of the customers there did not look excited. I even saw a grumpy dad with his kid.. (i was like .. whaa?) .. anyway, in a nut shell.. i did not capture any excited pose.. :( I did sketch few poses while i was waiting for my friends:

Well...they all didn't look excited. I like the one on top right though. I was quite disappointed because i didn't manage to draw the poses, so i decided to switch to plan B, which i actually did not plan ^^''. I unconsciously observed the body language of the people surround me. I still remember there was this kid that looked excited. I did not manage to sketch him because i was filling my drink up -o-. So back to the boy, i kind of feel that the excitement effects the way he walked. I notice there was a lot of energy when he walked. It was shown through the weight shift when his lower body parts moving, which automatically effects the upper body parts movement as well. His head was held high, with wide smiles on his face, and his arms swung beside his body.
That was the only detailed observation I did. I felt I need to do more research so I went to YouTube to browse some footages. During the research, I kind of think that there is a thin line between excited and surprised. I might have think too much about this. However, this
footage that i found, this is clearly show excitement. I'm going to use this for my reference :). I'll write more after my sketching session.. i should not spent a lot of time for this one cause i still have to animate the ball. :)
I sketched more poses:
So I was talking with my friend earlier today, and got some feedback from him. It seems that my poses are not strong enough and some of them did not convey the idea of excitement, which i agree ^^. After the convo, i know what i am missing on my drawing.. it is the background story, the essence. My friend suggested me to put more action, a gesture that convey excitement. I found this very challenging since i dont want it to look cliche :) .. i think i am going to spend some time with my sketchbook :) ..
More and more sketches:
I did a new experiment today, i felt so stuck and watching video reference did not do any good to me.. so I record my own! ..and umm i am not going to post the video! ^^''
I continue to draw my pose from my video reference, and the image above is the result. However, I still feel not good about them. My last pose (22) I got that one from google image and i decided to choose that one because the other day I drew a beaver and it used the same pose. I remember the reason I drew the beaver is because i am very happy and always excited to see my friends in eager beaver groups. It is always exciting to visit the group because I always find something new that could learnt! So.. i might have crossing the line about being too attach with my own work, but i think i have to trust my gut this time :)
I think I learnt a lot more about sketching this week, my campus mentor Chris Chua, he gave me tips and trick which were very helpful! I applied the method he gave me and i think it works really well..
So next on my post would be.. posing with Stu!