Saturday, December 31, 2011

Chapter 11 & 12 - Class 2 dun dun dun!

Hola! This entry is supposed to be posted last year! I was away to one of my favourite places in this earth.. and no .. i did not manage to visit Square Enix office -o-!  .. i think i will cheat the publish date .. just to keep things organized hehe .. anyways ..! Class 2 was wrapped up last month .. and I think i could have done better for my last assignment.. One thing that i learnt is never leave for holiday before school is officially on holiday.. I know that this is an online school .. but .. It didn't feel right hehe :p So here is my last shot and my progress reel for Class 2: 


Progress Reel term 2:

I really want thank my mentor, Scott Lemmer .. I had him for 2 terms and I have lots of respect for him! I promise to keep up all the good work and keep improving! Again, thank you sir! *cheerss! :)


Monday, December 5, 2011

Chapter 10 - The Lovely RGBW Spaghetti

Everything could happen right after you switch to spline. -___-
So this weeek.. not looking soo good.. mostly because of my own fault.. i was distracted a lot.. geez it is hard to keep myself focus on the assignment o_o .. this week was tough.. i do feel that i could have done better :p The only thing that i could do is to continue refining and polishing my shot.. whatever happened, i need to move one .. :( *sigh .. Below are the playblasts of this week progress:



Chapter 9 - Reblocking

Where was I on week 9 .. I see no post o_o .. anyways...
I had to re-block my shot and this time around the camera has been chosen. My mentor prefer the first camera angle. The challenge for this one is that we could not see Stewie's face clearly throughout the shot. It is definitely hard to keep it visible to the camera. These are playblasts for my re-blockng shot:
